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Classical concerts featuring
Aleksander Daszkiewicz


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Concerts featuring Aleksander Daszkiewicz in season 2024/25 or later

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Next week
In Katowice

NOSPR Chamber Musicians / American Minimalism / Glass / Reich

Thu, Mar 20, 2025, 19:30
Beata Ogryzek (Violin), Katarzyna Jawor (Violin), Aleksander Daszkiewicz (Viola), Natalia Kurzac-Kotula (Cello), Alicja Szydłowska (Cello)
American minimalism stems from the assumptions of experimental music – firstly, we create a working model and see what happens when we repeat it, gradually introducing variations. The perception of the human brain tricks us, which is why such procedures result in mesmerising auditory illusions. Philip Glass and Steve Reich are the founding fathers of this popular genre. Glass's quartets are more classical and never evade romantic phrases or recitative melodies. Steve Reich's Different Trains, written in 1988, on the other hand, is a classic of the genre and undoubtedly one of the masterpieces of the 20th century. During the Second World War, a few-year-old Reich used to travel by train between New York and Los Angeles, where his separated parents lived. He later realised that if he had lived in Europe, as a Jew, he could have gone to a concentration camp. In his harrowing work, the music mimics the shape of sentences played back from a recording taken from the wartime memories of Jews from both continents. Adam Suprynowicz Concert duration: approximately 90 minutes
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Next month
In Katowice

NOSPR Chamber Musicians / Hindemith / Britten / Music as light as a feather

Thu, Apr 3, 2025, 19:30
Maciej Tomasiewicz (Conductor), Łukasz Zimnik (Flute), Karolina Stalmachowska (Oboe), Tomasz Żymła (Clarinet), Krzysztof Fiedukiewicz (Bassoon), Krzysztof Tomczyk (French horn), Tomasz Hajda (Trombone), Piotr Nowak (Trumpet), Michał Żymełka (Drums), Rafał Zambrzycki (Violin), Aleksander Daszkiewicz (Violin), Maria Shetty (Viola), Adam Krzeszowiec (Cello), Aleksandra Baszak (Cello), Krzysztof Firlus (Double bass), Piotr Sałajczyk (Piano), Konrad Merta (Accordion)
Paul Hindemith is among the most underrated artists of the 20th century. Anyone who listens to his Kammermusik, op. 24 no. 1, a genuinely sparkling with ideas and light as a feather piece of music, will come to this conclusion. This architect of the cornerstone of historical performance and founding father of the famous Donaueschingen Contemporary Music Festival embodied the dominant ideals of the New Objectivity in German art of the 1920s, namely simplicity of means and communicativeness, in his Chamber Music series. It is a peculiar variety of neo-classicism, unjustly overshadowed by French or Russian music. The third movement in Kammermusik (op. 36 no. 3) is essentially a chamber cello concerto with explicit references to Baroque music. It is not without reason, after all, that this entire series has been compared to Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. Surprisingly similar in its spirit tone, although referring to the classical form and not devoid of stronger emotional accents, is the Sinfonietta of the then-only 18-year-old Benjamin Britten, already heralding his extraordinary talent. Adam SuprynowiczConcert duration: approximately 70 minutes