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modern art ensemble
Zeynep Gedizlioğlu
February 23, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

modern art ensemble

Sun, Feb 23, 2025, 20:00
Konzerthaus Berlin, Werner-Otto-Saal (Berlin)
modern art ensemble
“Yol - The Path” by Zeynep Gedizlioglu describes the path of a sound, but also the artistic path of the Berlin composer of Turkish descent. Born in Moscow, Alexandra Karastyaneva Hermetin grew up in Sofia and now lives in Vienna. Her piece “Polynj” (Wermut) cleverly surrounds the solo tone of the cello with the timbres of the rest of the ensemble - a work in a reduced, impressive tonal language, whose motifs seem to move around a mysterious core. Michael Quell's “energeia aphanés” is also on the trail of a secret: it deals with “black energy”, which plays a central role in theories about the universe. Invisible and not directly detectable, “energeia aphanés” is the force that holds the structures of the universe together. We see the trace of its presence, but not itself. Next on the program is the world premiere of Makiko Nishikaze's “fantasie-fuge”, which is based on Bach's unfinished Fantasia and Fugue for Organ BWV 562. Nishikaze first orchestrated it for ensemble, then wrote it to completion and finally transformed it entirely into her own sound cosmos. The final piece is Helmut Zapf's composition “Heimat”, in which he asks about the location of himself and his musical world and provides a possible answer.