Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor / Dresdner Festspielorchester / Hansjörg Albrecht
Laeiszhalle, Großer Saal (Hamburg)
Bach, Bach, Bach ... Johann Sebastian Bach was a master of pastiche: he loved to reuse his own compositions in new contexts and to copy his pieces in order to demonstrate their flexibility and universality and to give them new expression. With the Lukas-Passion, we hear a work in precisely this pastiche manner. Bach never managed to finish writing this Passion. Now the Bach specialists Lorenz and Christoph Eglhuber, together with the renowned conductor Hansjörg Albrecht, have gone into Bach’s copying and composing room to write this missing Passion from his own compositions. The result is a highly exciting, dramatic work – from pieces written by Bach himself. The Carl-Philipp-Emanuel-Bach-Chor Hamburg brings it to the stage with the finest cast. The soloists are all absolute Bach experts. The Dresdner Festspielorchester is an orchestra made up of members of top-class ensembles of period performance practice. The audience can expect a festive baroque concert in the Passion season!