Discover Talent: Illia Ovcharenko
Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
With technical brilliance and emotional insight, the young Ukrainian pianist Illia Ovcharenko presents a daring programme that really packs a punch. In the fifth and final concert of the Liszt spotlight in 2023/24, he combines two visionary Romantic piano works: Franz Liszt’s Sonata in B Minor and Robert Schumann’s Fantasie in C. Each in its own way, these works break down musical boundaries and still get even the most experienced pianists sweating. With stamina and uncompromising expressiveness, and pushing the limits of the pianistically possible, Liszt and Schumann create large arcs of suspense in which they cover the entire spectrum of human emotion. So when he performs these two milestones of piano music in Hamburg, you can be sure that Illia Ovcharenko will be giving it his all.