Both create music through the flow of air, and yet they could hardly be more different: the powerful, large organ and the intimate, modest flute. In this concert, Thomas Ospital, organist of St Eustache Church in Paris, and Emmanuel Pahud, principal flautist of the Berliner Philharmoniker, demonstrate how well the two instruments go together – with dreamy, often highly virtuosic works by Jehan Alain, Camille Saint-Saëns and Frank Martin. The full splendour of the organ’s sound comes into its own in the transcription of Saint-Saëns’ Danse macabre as well as in Liszt's Consolation and his variations on Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen”.
Uraufführungen, Improvisationen, Recitals, Solistenkonzerte oder Kammermusik – der französisch-britische Pianist, Komponist und Cembalist Orlando Bass ist ein Multitalent. Nach seinem Studium in Paris absolviert er an der Eisler sein Konzertexamen bei Prof. Kirill Gerstein und spielt im Konzert neben Sonaten von Schostakowitsch und Ginastera auch eine eigene Komposition. Die chinesische Koloratursopranistin Shuchen Dai legt nach ihrem Masterstudium nun bei Prof. Ewa Wolak ihr Konzertexamen ab. Mit dem Pianisten Matthias Samuil wird sie neben Liedern von Strauss und Liszt auch weniger bekanntes französisches Repertoire aus dem 19. Jahrhundert der beiden Komponistinnen und Opernsängerinnen Pauline Viardot-García und Eva Dell'Acqua aufführen.Gemeinsam mit dem Konzerthaus Berlin präsentiert die Eisler in der Konzertreihe „EislerStars“ herausragende Talente der Hochschule, die ihr Konzertexamen absolvieren. Sie sind international bereits erfolgreich, haben renommierte Musikwettbewerbe gewonnen und sind regelmäßig solistisch zu Gast auf den großen Bühnen.
Our organ series starts with one of the most interesting organists of our time: Richard Gowers, still only 29 old, discovered his passion for music as a choirboy at King’s College, Cambridge. Trained in Cambridge, London and Stuttgart, he has travelled internationally as a soloist and has also been Director of Music at St Georgeʼs, Hanover Square in London since 2023. Together with the brass section of the Berliner Philharmoniker, he will perform an opulent, late-romantic programme, including the passionate love scene from Richard Strauss’ opera Feuersnot and Franz Liszt’s heroic final tribute to his friend Chopin, Funérailles.
The press has hailed Alexandre Kantorow as “the reincarnated Liszt” because of his ability to make even the most fiendishly difficult of pieces come across as though tossed off lightly. In 2019, he became the first French pianist to win the prestigious Tchaikovsky Competition, and that launched a meteoric international career. For his debut in our Piano series, the inclusion of Franz Liszt’s hyper-virtuosic music seemed imperative. He’ll also perform Bartók’s Rhapsody – at times passionate, at others exuberant – as well as Rachmaninoff’s dramatic First Sonata, Brahms’s Rhapsody in B minor and his transcription of the Bach Chaconne.
In “VerFührung”, the last performance in the “Mensch, Musik!” series, the work by Thomas Kessler/Saul Williams “‘said the shotgun to the head” for recitation, rap choir and orchestra is the centre of attention.Life is constantly about questions of leadership and seduction, starting with the fact that I have to lead my own life and deal with the various seductions that present themselves to me. But seduction has never been as ubiquitous as it is today. Technological progress makes it possible more than ever to reach every individual at any time and in any place with targeted images and sounds. We are constantly exposed to the whispers of the various political, economic and erotic pick-up artists that populate the global public sphere.How do I deal with this as an individual? Which guidance and which seduction do I seek? Which do I succumb to, which do I resist? Who do I allow to lead me? By whom will I be led astray? In other words: How do I find my own ground and how do I stand on it?„Leading (Astray)” takes up these questions and expands them to include the consideration of how people can be seduced into doing good by aesthetic means.The AI-based short film installation “/Sleep” by Ossagrosse can be experienced in the foyer of the Haus des Rundfunks before and after the performance in the auditorium. The short stories are set in supermarkets, busy streets and other everyday environments, told sometimes distantly, sometimes intimately by the narrator’s voice and the almost human figures that populate these worlds. The result of this work in space is a series of images and sounds that come together to create a stream of consciousness, a living environment that speaks.The concert will be broadcast on 31 May 2024 at 8.03 pm on Deutschlandfunk Kultur.