Musik für Frauenstimmen
Works by Maria Xaveria Perucona, Johann Adolf Hasse, Gustav Holst, and Arvo Pärt, as well as piano music by Sofia Gubaidulina, Lera Auerbach, and Arvo Pärt.
Works by Maria Xaveria Perucona, Johann Adolf Hasse, Gustav Holst, and Arvo Pärt, as well as piano music by Sofia Gubaidulina, Lera Auerbach, and Arvo Pärt.
Would you like to listen to South African songs, minimal music and film music in a relaxed atmosphere in the music club and get to know music-loving peers? Then why not come to our „Schwerelos“ youth concert with live music!
Seit mehr als sechs Jahrzehnten gehören die Kammerkonzerte von Musiker:innen der Staatskapelle zu den Konstanten des Staatsopernprogramms. In dieser Spielzeit haben sich Ensembles zusammengefunden, die unter dem Thema „Zusammen-Spiel“ Musik verschiedener Zeiten, Stile und Kulturen ausgewählt haben. An elf Terminen im Apollosaal, der mit seiner besonderen Atmosphäre ein idealer Ort für Kammermusik und ein kommunikatives Miteinander von Spielenden und Hörenden ist, werden Werke vom Barock bis zur Gegenwart erklingen, in zugleich spannungsvollen wie harmonischen Konstellationen, bei denen spürbare Kontraste ebenso eine Rolle spielen wie ein gemeinsames Schwingen und der Ausgleich von Gegensätzen.
Born in the right place by chance? By chance, lucky enough to be able to devote yourself to your love of music undisturbed from an early age? How free are art and music? When am I free, when are we free? What may, what should, what will freedom cost – me, you, us?Our so beloved freedom? Just an accidental gift of history? – Conceived, written and directed by tauchgold, Mensch, Musik #8 “Zufällig FREI” takes up this question from a different direction: How can music and art still reverse the downward trajectory of the will to freedom even in the face of direct threat? How can creative Eros put a stop to the destructive instinct? And what happens when I replace guilt and repentance before God with love and responsibility before others?Under the direction of Dutch conductor Bas Wiegers, the Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin is once again transcending the boundaries of symphonic music by inviting artists to push the boundaries of classical performance practice – this time with works by composers who were given or denied freedom for random reasons. All of them – composers and their works – are linked by the question: When am I free and what does freedom mean to me?