Biennale »Paradise lost?« “The Four Seasons” with the Freiburger Barockorchester
Philharmonie Berlin, Chamber Music Hall (Berlin)
Music is like time, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. Its tempo can be steady like a heartbeat or expansive like the universe. In this concert, we journey through the vastness of space, across seasons and time, until we arrive in the present moment.
A journey through the diversity of European baroque music: the Europa Galante ensemble on an exciting journey with its programme Europe on the move. The members of the ensemble, founded and led by Fabio Biondi, see themselves as cosmopolitans with Italian roots. “With our Italianità, we show that we live in a Europe that is, fortunately, both united and full of differences,” says Biondi. Europa Galante has played its way to the forefront of the early music scene with its passionate, lively music-making, and has rescued many musical treasures from oblivion.