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Fri, Nov 22, 2024, 20:00
Cité de la musique, Amphithéâtre (Paris)
Sophie de Bardonnèche (Violin), Justin Taylor (Clavecin Ruckers-Taskin 1646), Justin Taylor (1780), Lucile Boulanger (Viola da gamba)
Contrary to what Rousseau opined, female composers of the 18th century were just as inspired as their male contemporaries. Sophie de Bardonnèche, Justin Taylor and Lucile Boulanger breathe new life into a musical heritage by women too long in the shadows.
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Salon Chopin

Thu, Mar 6, 2025, 20:00
Cité de la musique, Amphithéâtre (Paris)
David Lively (Piano Pleyel 1842), Quatuor Cambini-Paris, Julien Chauvin (Violin), Karine Crocquenoy (Violin), Pierre-Eric Nimylowycz (Viola), Atsushi Sakaï (Cello), Thomas de Pierrefeu (Doublebass)
For this intimate, salon-like performance, Quatuor Cambini-Paris—dedicated to the classical and Romantic repertoires on period instruments—joins forces with pianist David Lively. Together they interpret the chamber version of Chopin's Concerto No. 2.