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Kölner Kurrende

Sun, Dec 1, 2024, 20:00
Dorothea Brandt (Soprano), Anna Heinecke (Alto), Andreas Post (Tenor), Benjamin Hewat-Craw (Bariton), Kölner Kurrende (Ensemble), Neue Hofkapelle Osnabrück (Ensemble), Michael Reif (Conductor)
Johann Sebastian Bach's Christmas Oratorio, composed between 1734 and 1735, is a monumental work celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Each part, from the announcement of the birth to the adoration of the kings, corresponds to a specific liturgical period. Rich music, including festive choruses, intimate arias, and vivid orchestrations, makes this a timeless masterpiece.
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Kölner Jugendchor St. Stephan

Thu, Jun 19, 2025, 18:00
Kölner Jugendchor St. Stephan (Ensemble), Lucky Kids – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Rheinischen Musikschule Köln (Ensemble), Michael Kokott (Conductor)
Mit Freude und Hingabe begeistern seit vier Jahrzehnten die jugendlichen Sängerinnen und Sänger um Chorleiter Michael Kokott ihr Publikum. Das facettenreiche Programm reicht vom A-cappella-Arrangement von Popsongs über Gospels bis zu kölschen Tönen. Im zweistündigen Programm lädt das Ensemble zum Zuhören und Mitsingen ein.
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90 Jahre Erstes Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester

Wed, Apr 9, 2025, 20:00
Tom Gaebel (Vocals), Die Erben (Ensemble), Eike Leipprand (Director), Erstes Kölner Akkordeon-Orchester (Ensemble), Matthias Hennecke (Conductor)
The First Cologne Accordion Orchestra celebrates its 90th anniversary with a captivating evening of top-level music at the Cologne Philharmonic Hall. Joined by "Mr. Good Life" Tom Gaebel and the Cologne choir "Die Erben," the orchestra promises a dazzling celebration of its unique sound, showcasing the artistry that has taken them to stages worldwide.
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Ronald Brautigam | Die Kölner Akademie | Michael Alexander Willens

Sun, Mar 30, 2025, 16:00
Ronald Brautigam (Pianoforte), Die Kölner Akademie (Ensemble), Michael Alexander Willens (Conductor)
When Ronald Brautigam plays the fortepiano, even familiar pieces sound excitingly new. His uncompromising playing has led to the re-evaluation of prominent composers. He performs classics like Mozart with passion, sometimes thundering the keys, sometimes coaxing a wealth of colors from the instrument. Since 2009, he's collaborated with the Kölner Akademie and Michael Alexander Willens, recording acclaimed complete sets of Mozart and Beethoven piano concertos. The Cologne-based orchestra also performs Louise Farrenc's 1st Symphony, a rare successful female composer of the 19th century.