Hänsel und Gretel (Hansel and Gretel)
Date & Time
Thu, Dec 25, 2025, 14:30“Don‘t you know the horrible dark place, don’t you know the evil one lives there?” Hastily, their parents set out for the woods to save Hansel and Gretel from the witch Rosina Leckermaul. As they feared, the children have got lost in the woods and found the gingerbread house. They cannot resist the sweet temptation – and fall straight into the trap of the witch, who likes children so much she could eat them up… literally. As in most tales... Read full text
Keywords: Children and Family, Opera
Killian Farrell | Musical Director |
Kartal Karagedik | Peter |
Katja Pieweck | Gertrud |
Ida Aldrian | Hänsel |
Narea Son | Gretel |
Hellen Kwon | Knusperhexe |
Aebh Kelly | Sandmännchen |
Marie Maidowski | Taumännchen |
Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper | Childrens’ choir |
Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg | Orchestra |
Engelbert Humperdinck | Hänsel und Gretel (Hansel and Gretel) |