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Gala concert – Richard Wagner

Date & Time
Sat, Jul 5, 2025, 15:00
One of the artistic priorities of the Deutsche Oper Berlin has always been and remains the cultivation of the works of Richard Wagner. This means that Richard Wagner's music is firmly anchored in the DNA of this orchestra, its sound characteristics and its repertoire. In the 2024/25 season alone, five Wagner operas are on the programme: DER FLIEGENDE HOLLÄNDER, TANNHÄUSER, LOHENGRIN, TRISTAN UND ISOLDE and DIE MEISTERSINGER VON NÜRNBERG. Time and again, spectacular stagings of the RING DES NIBELUNGEN (in... Read full text

Keywords: Classical

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Last update: Fri, Jan 10, 2025, 17:11

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Artistic depiction of the event

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