Die Unruhenden
Date & Time
Tue, Jan 27, 2026, 20:00CHRISTOPH MARTHALER MEETS GUSTAV MAHLER - TWO GRAND MASTERS RETURN TO THE STAATSOPER HAMBURG Gustav Mahler - star conductor, visionary composer, Hamburg resident by choice. And also: a restless artist who struggled with himself, a “restless one”, as his wife and Viennese icon Alma characterized him. A panorama of human experience unfolds in his music - always oscillating between joie de vivre and dance of death. To mark its 350th anniversary year, the Hamburg State Opera is dedicating special projects... Read full text
Keywords: Children and Family, Opera
Johannes Harneit | Musical Director, Einrichtung |
Magne Håvard Brekke | Darsteller:in |
Kady Evanyshyn | Darsteller:in |
Ueli Jaeggi | Darsteller:in |
Rosemary Hardy | Darsteller:in |
Bendix Dethleffsen | Piano |
Alsterspatzen – Kinder- und Jugendchor der Hamburgischen Staatsoper | Childrens’ choir |
Musiker:innen des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters Hamburg | Orchestra |
Gustav Mahler | Die Unruhenden |