Hamburger Camerata / Vilmantas Kaliunas
Elbphilharmonie, Kleiner Saal (Hamburg)
Mieczysław Weinberg? Just over a decade ago, this name was not even familiar to the established classical music fans here in Germany. And to this day, the Polish-Russian composer who died in 1996 and who was under the pressure of two dictatorships (the German and the Soviet) is still considered an insider tip. Although word has now spread that Weinberg no longer has to hide behind his fellow sufferer and mentor Dmitry Shostakovich. He exchanged artistically with the father of Soviet music again and again, and he felt that he was his »flesh and blood« – Reason enough for the Hamburger Camerata to trace this special friendship musically in challenging times. Under the seasonal motto »Camerata concertante«, the programme includes four works by the two, which explore the tension between solo, chamber and orchestral music making as varied as the tension between personal freedom and political compulsion.