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Michał Francuz
December 18, 2024
Artistic depiction of the event

Beethoven / Sibelius / Bartók / Romantic emotions

Wed, Dec 18, 2024, 19:30
Lorenz Karls (Violin), Michał Francuz (Piano), Miłosz Korpol (Compere)
Lorenz Karls, 2nd Prize winner at the 6th Karol Lipiński International Violin Competition in Toruń, will perform at NOSPR!The opening piece of his recital, the Violin Sonata No. 7 in C minor, belongs to Op. 30, representing a transitional period in Ludwig van Beethoven’s work. This is where the classical calm meets the romantic emotionality. It is also where the changeability of moods, so characteristic for the Viennese classic, appears, already revealing elements of a new musical language.The middle part of the evening will be filled with violin and piano miniatures, which are going to present various faces of Romanticism. The lyrical tone will be provided by the subtle and poetical 1907 Aubade by Rued Langgaard. A slightly different mood will be introduced by Jean Sibelius’ miniatures: the bouncy and jocular Humoresque with its folk elements and the Novelette, full of fervent expression.The concert will be crowned with two virtuosic compositions inspired by folk music. First, we are going to hear the 1928 Rhapsody No. 1 for violin and piano by Béla Bartók. Both in its character and structure, i.e. two movements: a slow one (Lassú) and a fast one (Friss), the piece draws inspiration from the verbunkos – a Hungarian national dance. In the finale of the evening, the violinist will perform a virtuosic solo piece based on a popular Irish folk song. It will appear in the form of variations on The Last Rose of Summer byHeinrich Wilhelm Ernst, created in 1864 as the last one in a cycle of six polyphonic etudes.The repertoire will, indubitably, enable the young Swedish violinist Lorenz Karls to present his exceptional talent in its entirety. The laureate will be accompanied by the excellent pianist Michał Francuz, who has been partnering violinists for years and has earned wide recognition, also with young competition participants.Julia BroniowskaConcert duration: approximately 80 minutes