My Heart Wants Out
For the show My Heart Wants Out, young students have written poetry, and readings are interspersed with classical music. This is a collaboration with Läsfrämjarinstitutet (”The Reading Promotion Institute”) and the community group Livet Bitch! Scenkonst, with whom the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra has previously worked on the production of Romeo and Juliet (2021 and 2022).At the same time, El Sistema Södertälje and the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra celebrate twelve years of collaboration and perform together here. El Sistema Södertälje began its activities in the autumn of 2012 with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra as a partner.The orchestra's musicians serve as role models and mentors to the students, and over the years, many close friendships have been formed between the students and the philharmonic musicians. The concert takes place at Estrad in Södertälje.Read more about El Sistema Södertälje (opens in a new window)