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Slava Chestiglazov
Juliusz Zarębski
June 15, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Kammerkonzert 5

Sun, Jun 15, 2025, 11:00
Slava Chestiglazov (Violin), Cristian Suvaiala (Violin), Maxime Gulikers (Violin), Linda Guo (Violin), Marko Milenković (Viola), Felicitas Frücht (Viola), Simon Deffner (Cello), Christine Penckwitt (Cello), Alexander Schimpf (Piano)
Before Dmitri Shostakovich became a composing critic of the Stalin dictatorship, the music world experienced him as a carefree, talented prodigy. His first piano trio, written at seventeen, is a testament to this. Also worth discovering is the piano quintet by the Polish romanticist Juliusz Zarębski, dedicated to his teacher Franz Liszt.