Konzerthalle Bamberg, Joseph-Keilberth-Saal (Bamberg)
What feelings can music evoke when you listen to it? Which instruments can be played to express emotions? And are there pieces that just touch everyone? These and many other questions are at the centre of our first family concert this season. Through various pieces of music, we take you on a very unique journey through the world of musical emotions. The concert will be hosted by Tobias Krell, known as »Checker Tobi« from his shows on ARD and various other channels. In our family concert, we invite him to join us on stage as presenter, and he will explore the topic of feelings in music together with you. The programme of the concert will be conducted by Katharina Wincor, who won 3rd prize in our conducting competition THE MAHLER COMPETITION 2020 at the Bamberg Concert Hall. Join us and experience this interactive and fun concert for the whole family!