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Symphonic Concert

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Sun, May 11, 2025, 19:00
Ivo Pogorelich, photo: Andrej Grilc

Keywords: Symphony Concert

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Last update: Sat, Feb 22, 2025, 11:03

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Symphonic Concert

Sat, Nov 16, 2024, 18:00
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Jerzy Maksymiuk (Conductor), Karen Gomyo (Violin)
Karen Gomyo, photo: Gabrielle Revere It is generally accepted that short pieces performed at the beginning of symphonic concerts play the role of a kind of overture (even if they are not overtures in the strict sense of the word). What, then, is the function of the composition Ceci n'est pas une ouverture [This is not an overture], written a dozen years ago by Paweł Szymański for the Warsaw Philharmonic and the Polish Composers' Union? Perhaps similar to French surrealist René Magritte’s famous painting signed Ceci n'est pas une pipe, which depicts nothing but a pipe. Szymanski's thrilling piece conjures up the image of a laboratory technician dissecting classical scores in front of an audience in the anatomical theatre he has built. Sergei Prokofiev’s ‘Classical’ Symphony, on the other hand, provides a fascinating answer to the question of how Joseph Haydn might have composed if a time machine had transported him to the twentieth century. Another great composer writing at the beginning of the last century took an imaginary journey (this time in space). Ibéria, the middle and longest movement in Claude Debussy’s Images cycle, is regarded as one of the great musical evocations of Spain, although the composer was never fated to visit the country. Max Bruch, who was already old at the time, reportedly found it difficult to come to terms with the end of romanticism. His Violin Concerto No. 1, composed while Johannes Brahms was still alive, was so successful that hardly anyone noticed that the German composer had written two others!
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Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Michał Nesterowicz (Conductor), Seong-Jin Cho (Piano)
Michał Nesterowicz, photo: Łukasz Rajchert He jokingly says that he loves the Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall as much as he hates it. He knew it much better than many Polish artists long before he first came to Warsaw. In order to follow the live broadcasts of the Chopin Competition in his country, he had to get up at 3.00 a.m. He longed to one day stand on the stage where Martha Argerich and Kristian Zimmerman won the competition. That dream of performing in Warsaw came true in 2015, when Korean pianist Seong-Jin Cho triumphed in the Chopin Competition. He now returns to the capital’s stage as the soloist in Johannes Brahms’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in B flat major. Brahms used to refer to his powerful work, which posed a considerable challenge for both pianist and orchestra, as a ‘little concerto’. Shortly after the premiere, however, it was more appropriately labelled a ‘symphony with obbligato piano part’. This grand Romantic concerto will be followed by a true Romantic symphony. One of Anton Bruckner’s more popular works, his Fourth Symphony is regarded as one of the finest musical contemplations of nature. Although it does not have a clearly defined literary programme, the composer wove into it the sounds of the morning, the sounds of nature – including the singing of a tit or a mountain echo – and of hunting.
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Symphonic Concert

Fri, Nov 29, 2024, 19:30
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Władysław Skoraczewski Artos Choir at the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Maxime Pascal (Conductor), Andrew Staples (Tenor), Judith Chemla (Reciting voice), Bartosz Michałowski (Director of the Warsaw Philharmonic Choir), Danuta Chmurska (Director of the Artos Choir)
Maxime Pascal, photo: Nieto ‘Awakening of cheerful feelings on arrival in the countryside’ – that is the title of the first movement (Allegro non troppo) of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony. As we learn from letters he sent to the publisher Breitkopf & Härtel in 1808, the composer had serious doubts about whether the individual movements of the work should be given names containing such unambiguous pictorial suggestions. In the end, he not only retained them, but found it necessary to include next to the work’s title Pastoral Symphony, or Recollection of Life in the Countryside a caveat in brackets: An expression of feelings rather than painting. The composer’s joy and affirmative attitude to nature – the rustling of leaves, the murmur of streams, the singing of birds, the thunder, lightning and rain all translated into sound in this programmatic work – still leave no one indifferent today, delighting listeners with the deep connection to nature. André Gide’s poetic play Perséphone, written in the spirit of French Parnassianism, is based on a theme taken from Homer’s Hymn to Demeter. The Nobel Prize-winning text caught the attention of the famous dancer Ida Rubinstein, who asked Igor Stravinsky to write music to it. Out of the planned ‘symphonic ballet’ arose a genre combining dance, mime, singing and recitation in an orchestral setting. It was premiered without much fanfare on the stage of the Paris Opera on 30 April 1934. Many years later, Stravinsky's melodrama attracted the interest of many choreographers, including Frederick Ashton, George Balanchine, Janine Charrat, Martha Graham, and in 2012 Peter Sellars directed this production at the Teatro Real in Madrid. Today, this work is not infrequently performed in a concert version, which the Warsaw Philharmonic ensembles, with renowned artists and the Artos children’s choir, will present on our stage for the first time. Judith Chemla will perform the part of Persephone in Stravinsky's piece, replacing Marina Hands.
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Symphonic Concert

Sat, Nov 30, 2024, 18:00
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Władysław Skoraczewski Artos Choir at the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Maxime Pascal (Conductor), Andrew Staples (Tenor), Judith Chemla (Reciting voice), Bartosz Michałowski (Director of the Warsaw Philharmonic Choir), Danuta Chmurska (Director of the Artos Choir)
Maxime Pascal, photo: Nieto ‘Awakening of cheerful feelings on arrival in the countryside’ – that is the title of the first movement (Allegro non troppo) of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony. As we learn from letters he sent to the publisher Breitkopf & Härtel in 1808, the composer had serious doubts about whether the individual movements of the work should be given names containing such unambiguous pictorial suggestions. In the end, he not only retained them, but found it necessary to include next to the work’s title Pastoral Symphony, or Recollection of Life in the Countryside a caveat in brackets: An expression of feelings rather than painting. The composer’s joy and affirmative attitude to nature – the rustling of leaves, the murmur of streams, the singing of birds, the thunder, lightning and rain all translated into sound in this programmatic work – still leave no one indifferent today, delighting listeners with the deep connection to nature. André Gide’s poetic play Perséphone, written in the spirit of French Parnassianism, is based on a theme taken from Homer’s Hymn to Demeter. The Nobel Prize-winning text caught the attention of the famous dancer Ida Rubinstein, who asked Igor Stravinsky to write music to it. Out of the planned ‘symphonic ballet’ arose a genre combining dance, mime, singing and recitation in an orchestral setting. It was premiered without much fanfare on the stage of the Paris Opera on 30 April 1934. Many years later, Stravinsky's melodrama attracted the interest of many choreographers, including Frederick Ashton, George Balanchine, Janine Charrat, Martha Graham, and in 2012 Peter Sellars directed this production at the Teatro Real in Madrid. Today, this work is not infrequently performed in a concert version, which the Warsaw Philharmonic ensembles, with renowned artists and the Artos children’s choir, will present on our stage for the first time. Judith Chemla will perform the part of Persephone in Stravinsky's piece, replacing Marina Hands.
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Symphonic Concert

Fri, Dec 6, 2024, 19:30
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Alexander Shelley (Conductor)
Alexander Shelley, photo: Curtis Perry For some overshadowed by the Sixth (‘Tragic’), for others drowned out – almost literally – by the next monumental vocal-instrumental ‘Symphony of a Thousand’, Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 7 in E minor was consequently described as an ‘intermezzo’ in the composer’s oeuvre, or even a ‘Cinderella’. Happily, after decades of scorn, the work was recognised as princess material and ranked among the boldest symphonic experiments (or even provocations) of the early twentieth century. After the logical arrangement and clear dramatic structure of the Sixth Symphony (written, incidentally, at the same time as some movements of the Seventh), the composer presented listeners, critics and scholars with a work that defied all expectations, and was also quite cheerful, which did not fit the stereotypical psychological portrait of the melancholic composer. The unusual layout and form of the successive movements, the rich instrumentation and, finally, the return to the night motif that was widely explored in the nineteenth century (two movements were titled Nachtmusik) afforded scope for discussion of the work’s inspirations and hidden programme. The symphony was written in 1904–1905, during summer sojourns in the mountains, and first performed three years later in Prague, during the diamond jubilee celebrations of Emperor Franz Joseph I. It was received very warmly, and the composer himself considered it his best work.
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Symphonic Concert

Sat, Dec 7, 2024, 18:00
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Alexander Shelley (Conductor)
Alexander Shelley, photo: Curtis Perry For some overshadowed by the Sixth (‘Tragic’), for others drowned out – almost literally – by the next monumental vocal-instrumental ‘Symphony of a Thousand’, Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 7 in E minor was consequently described as an ‘intermezzo’ in the composer’s oeuvre, or even a ‘Cinderella’. Happily, after decades of scorn, the work was recognised as princess material and ranked among the boldest symphonic experiments (or even provocations) of the early twentieth century. After the logical arrangement and clear dramatic structure of the Sixth Symphony (written, incidentally, at the same time as some movements of the Seventh), the composer presented listeners, critics and scholars with a work that defied all expectations, and was also quite cheerful, which did not fit the stereotypical psychological portrait of the melancholic composer. The unusual layout and form of the successive movements, the rich instrumentation and, finally, the return to the night motif that was widely explored in the nineteenth century (two movements were titled Nachtmusik) afforded scope for discussion of the work’s inspirations and hidden programme. The symphony was written in 1904–1905, during summer sojourns in the mountains, and first performed three years later in Prague, during the diamond jubilee celebrations of Emperor Franz Joseph I. It was received very warmly, and the composer himself considered it his best work.
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Symphonic Concert

Fri, Jan 10, 2025, 19:30
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Christoph König (Conductor), Angela Hewitt (Piano)
Angela Hewitt, photo: Keith Saunders A perfectionist with an impressive memory, Angela Hewitt boasts a wide-ranging repertoire that includes works from various eras (from the Couperins to contemporary pieces specially composed for her), but her name is mainly associated with the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. That is due to her victory in the Bach Competition in Toronto, a series of highly acclaimed recordings of Bach’s keyboard music and the award, not so long ago, of the Bach Medal in Leipzig (as the first ever female recipient). In Warsaw, she will perform one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s most ‘symphonic’ piano concertos – the Concerto in C major, K. 503, completed one December day in 1786. The evening will begin with a piece by Louise Farrenc, an increasingly appreciated Romantic composer who from childhood received private tuition in playing and composition from the most important musicians in Paris, unable – because of her gender – to pursue regular studies in that field. Paradoxically, years later, she herself took over a piano class at the famous Paris Conservatoire. Her two striking concert overtures from 1834 showcase the dramatic and colouristic flair of a composer who unfortunately was not fated to realise her dream of writing an opera. About a century later, Sergei Rachmaninov composed his third, highly expressive Symphony, in A minor, which will bring our programme to a close. This is one of the composer’s last works and an important monument to Eastern European Romantic symphonism.
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Symphonic Concert

Sat, Jan 11, 2025, 18:00
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Christoph König (Conductor), Angela Hewitt (Piano)
Angela Hewitt, photo: Keith Saunders A perfectionist with an impressive memory, Angela Hewitt boasts a wide-ranging repertoire that includes works from various eras (from the Couperins to contemporary pieces specially composed for her), but her name is mainly associated with the works of Johann Sebastian Bach. That is due to her victory in the Bach Competition in Toronto, a series of highly acclaimed recordings of Bach’s keyboard music and the award, not so long ago, of the Bach Medal in Leipzig (as the first ever female recipient). In Warsaw, she will perform one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s most ‘symphonic’ piano concertos – the Concerto in C major, K. 503, completed one December day in 1786. The evening will begin with a piece by Louise Farrenc, an increasingly appreciated Romantic composer who from childhood received private tuition in playing and composition from the most important musicians in Paris, unable – because of her gender – to pursue regular studies in that field. Paradoxically, years later, she herself took over a piano class at the famous Paris Conservatoire. Her two striking concert overtures from 1834 showcase the dramatic and colouristic flair of a composer who unfortunately was not fated to realise her dream of writing an opera. About a century later, Sergei Rachmaninov composed his third, highly expressive Symphony, in A minor, which will bring our programme to a close. This is one of the composer’s last works and an important monument to Eastern European Romantic symphonism.
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Symphonic Concert

Fri, Jan 17, 2025, 19:30
Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic Choir, Paul Goodwin (Conductor), Lydia Teuscher (Soprano), Ingrida Gápová (Soprano), Benjamin Hulett (Tenor), Bartosz Michałowski (Chorus Director)
Paul Goodwin, photo: Carmel Bach Festival There are various surprising types of silence and just as many intriguing attempts to ‘soundtrack’ it. One of the earliest examples of the concert overture – a work in its own right, not preceding a larger form – Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage was inspired by the poetry of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and begins (contrary to appearances) with the negative experience of powerlessness and stillness. After all, for sailors, silence at sea means a lack of wind and a break in the voyage. Fortunately, in this colourful symphonic tale, the ending of which is betrayed by the work’s title, everything ends with a safe return to port. Three decades ago, the opposite of silence – the experience of a storm – provided the impulse for Eric Whitacre to compose Cloudburst, a composition for choir, piano and percussion that is a celebration in sound of the energy released in nature. To mark the 400th anniversary of the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy composed a monumental cantata for three soloists, choir, organ and orchestra, posthumously referred to as his Symphony No. 2 ‘Lobgesang’ (‘Song of Praise’). An expansive three-movement sinfonia is followed by a series of vocal and instrumental segments to texts taken from the Bible, perhaps Gutenberg’s most famous publication.