Unbequeme Wahrheiten
Date & Time
Wed, Mar 26, 2025, 11:00This composition workshop focuses on the important democratic value of civil courage, asking if one is willing to stand up for their beliefs. It examines the life of Julian Assange, the Australian journalist who risked much to expose American military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now faces a long prison sentence. Students explore civil courage through Assange's story, using music, text, images, and acting.A summary from original text in German | Read the original
Keywords: Kompositionsprojekt
Schüler*innen der Gesamtschule Holsterhausen und des Mädchengymnasiums Borbeck | |
Sebastian Schürger | Director |
Mareike Richts | Künstlerische Mitarbeit |
To be updated... |