ORGAN CONCERT: Tobias Lindner & Jeremy Joseph
Date & Time
Sun, Mar 26, 2023, 17:00"O tell me, who invented this miraculous construction, full of the voices of everything that lives?" Herder asked in his poem "The Organ" – the instrument that "unites the breath of all creation". This concert will see two fascinating performers immerse themselves in the multifaceted universe of organ music: Tobias Lindner, winner of numerous international competitions and professor at the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, will open the concert with a work by an unknown master from his Bavarian homeland. The mid-19th... Read full text
Keywords: Organ Concert
Jeremy Joseph | Organ |
Tobias Lindner | Organ |
»Nun danket alle Gott« aus Kantate Nr. 79 | Johann Sebastian Bach |
Präludium und Fuge in cis-Moll BWV 849 | Johann Sebastian Bach |
Mattheus-Final aus Bach’s Memento | Charles-Marie Widor |
Chromatische Fantasie und Fuge d-Moll BWV 903 | Johann Sebastian Bach |
Praeambulum in C | Anonymer bairischer Meister (18. Jh.) |
Elevazione in d-Moll | Padre Davide da Bergamo |
Triosonate in e-Moll BWV 528 | Johann Sebastian Bach |
Rondò con imitazione de’campanelli | Giovanni Morandi |
Chanson dans la nuit, Scherzo | Dezsö Antalffy-Zsiross |