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In Paris

Microcosmos – Le Peuple de l’herbe

Sat, Mar 29, 2025, 18:00
Philharmonie de Paris, Grande salle Pierre Boulez (Paris)
Yellow Socks Orchestra, Clara Baget (Conductor), Cécile Pierrot (Mezzo-Soprano), Gaia Fretat (Enfant soliste), Pablo Chagot Di Piero (Enfant soliste), Astryd Cottet (Préparatrice vocale des enfants solistes)
With its up-close-and-personal approach to filming insects, Microcosmos was hugely popular with audiences when it came out in 1996. This screening with live musical accompaniment by the Yellow Socks Orchestra the suggestive power of this fascinating gem of wildlife cinema.
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Béla Bartók / Le Château de Barbe-Bleue

Fri, Nov 29, 2024, 20:00
Philharmonie de Paris, Grande salle Pierre Boulez (Paris)
Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Mikko Franck (Conductor), Aušrinė Stundytė (Soprano), Matthias Goerne (Bariton), József Gyabronka (Voix off du prologue)
Bluebeard’s Castle, the sole opera by Bartók, is a powerful work—an existential drama in which romantic love is laid bare in a condensed form, exalted by ever-inventive orchestration.